The Excitement of the Unknown
Why you should take the chance to start your business or anything else you’ve been doubting.
As I am just finishing up my homework for my college classes, I find myself in a rhythm to continue to be productive and, in turn, write this article on the spot.
I find myself coming back to the grey area of “Paralysis by Analysis”, where I want to do everything yet don’t move forward much due to the hesitation of going the wrong route. Whether it was making an Instagram account that could make money, a YouTube channel to have evergreen content or even dropshipping (my first venture). I find myself hesitant to continue to plan all the way through because there are so many possibilities for error, the larger area of failure compared to success. Then again, I have days where I take a step back, see everything that could go wrong, and just smile and move forward.
For example, if I need to financially get ahead, I think, “How can I make money? How soon can I make some if I theoretically start right now? What would be the most optimal and fastest way to pursue this specific goal?” and so on.
It’s exciting knowing that a specific route to take regarding entrepreneurial actions is things not many are willing to pursue. Whether it’s writing a blog and enjoying the process to building engines in your garage and then selling them for a profit. When envisioning what you can pursue without an hourly structure, it seems so much more liberating due to how you can scale tremendously without the bottleneck of a rate.
Now after all this type of ranting and banter, you may be thinking, “What is this guy on about?” and here’s the main point.
You don’t have to wait for something in your life to change, because then you’d wait a lifetime but rather you change something in your life and your lifetime will never be the same again.
You can wake up tomorrow at 5 am if you want to. You could read a book right now if you wanted to. You could drastically improve your life if you wanted to. Once you start it’s going to be hard to maintain it due to your instinctual nature to go back to what you’ve always done, so keep pushing forward. Simply give it a shot and try changing your life for a better one. We only have one and it’s in your best interest to make it the most memorable for YOU!